LOS ANGELES – August 1, 2023 – Fiction author JAMES HOUSTON TURNER is best known for his Aleksandr Talanov series of novels about a former KGB colonel who became a spy for America. But that may soon be changing with three “Best Screenplay” nominations for scripts he wrote and submitted to the Content Film Festival and Media Summit, which will hold its prestigious 2023 awards ceremony at Capernaum Studios, in Texas.
To read the entire Digital Journal article, click HERE. Other news sources include EntSun News, Georgia Chron, Cuisine Wire, Boston Chron, and sites as diverse as Bloomington Livestock, Doon Elevator, Montrose Grain & Supply, and Cherokee Gin & Cotton. As silly as these diverse and random news sources might seem, this is how “buzz” is built and the word spread about noteworthy accomplishments. Thank you one and all. Truly.